Jump on and take the ride of your life
Last night my daughter called me to her room to share some huge breakthroughs she'd recently had. She announced that she was releasing some core wounds around her childhood. All of a sudden, I felt a wave of anger. She glared at me and said, "This isn't about you, mom." I snapped back, "What do you mean? It sure as hell is." I slammed the door.
At that moment, I realized I could no longer ignore the anger, hurt, unforgiveness and grief that was locked deep inside of me. The pain from my own experiences with abuse and the agonizing memories of my daughter's childhood. Me, the intuitive life coach. The Awaken Your Core Fire girl. The one who helps people to transform. The one who was living in a bliss bubble until the energetic "rollercoaster" stopped by to pick me up.
The message started to sink in and feelings of absolute despair and dread overtook me. For the first time in years, I knew it was time to get help. I wasn't looking forward to this ride. I called a friend who is an abuse coach and made an appointment. I knew deep down that in order to be a better, more compassionate, loving coach, I would have to heal this part of my life. I knew if I wanted my joy back, I'd have to confront this. And I knew that if I didn't, it would affect my business, my relationships and my spiritual path.
Let's face it. We're all on the same ride. Immersed in similar stories, some worse than others. And the energies of the planet are not letting us get away with, slide by, hide or shove the old beliefs and core wounds anymore. We are being called to step into the highest and best versions of ourselves. We are needed on the planet and being forced to look at our deepest, darkest places. And that takes courage. And sometimes it means we need to ask for help.
We DO still have a choice, of course. When the rollercoaster pulls up, will you jump on? No matter what?
You can choose to shove the pain of some childhood drama and allow it to take away the possibility of living a life of radical joy. You can reason it away by saying you don't have time, the resources, the patience, or the courage. You can say that you've gotten over it. You can say that your family doesn't support your journey. Or you could say that you don't need help or you're too old to change. But then you'd only be kidding yourself.
Are you willing to let this precious gift of a life pass you by? Are you OK with living life in your comfort zone? Are you willing to let fear or excuses rob you of what "could be?" Time is short. You have all you need within and without. It would serve you best to make a self-honoring choice of jumping into the seat of that rollercoaster. When it takes off, you can hang on for dear life. You can scream. You can feel terrified. But when that ride ends, you'll step off and onto solid ground, knowing you just did something really big. You'll have a sense that your life will never be the same.
And when that rollercoaster pulls up to your door the next time, you'll know you're in for another wild ride. Only this time, you'll be willing to jump on to see where it goes. And each time, it will get easier and easier. You'll see your life, your circumstances, your very being, start to shift. Life will become magical and more fun. You'll realize it's just a story, one you can rewrite. And at the end of your life, you'll have no regrets. What a way to go!
So, if you're ready to ride and want someone to hold your hand, cheer you on, steer you in the right direction and keep you moving forward, jump on a call with me and let's talk.
Leave your hat at home.
And get ready to take the wildest, juiciest, most rewarding ride of your life!