You have all the power

Indecision, apathy, complacency. Depression, heaviness, confusion, sadness, anger.
All a part of the human condition.
But do outside circumstances create these feelings or do we? Do we have any control over these or are we at their mercy?
Outside circumstances do seem to create feelings. For example, if someone close to you dies or if you lose your job, you would more than likely feel sadness, depression, apathy or anger. But are the circumstances themselves the cause of these emotions or do they trigger deeply hidden core wounds?
I experienced deep grief when my father passed 4 years ago, yet I’ve seen people lose a child, parent or spouse and rejoice for that loved one. I’ve seen some people who have experienced loss through violence become deeply distraught, yet others are at peace with the perpetrators and loving through the process. We’ve all heard the stories about people losing their jobs and going crazy, yet others are relieved and thrilled for the opportunity to move onto something else. Outside circumstances happen, then we react to them.
Our reactions depend on our perception of self; ideas and perceptions of the world; limiting and incorrect belief patterns and the ability to cope. They come from our past; perhaps whether we were raised in a religious or spiritual household where faith and joy were present or whether we lived in a home filled with drama and despair. Or maybe we felt loved and supported growing up or fearful and alone. Certainly, whether or not the people around us found solutions to problems or allowed life’s circumstances to “take them under” was also a factor. We have personalities and different soul lessons we bring to this planet with us. There are so many possibilities that create our paradigm and perception, our feelings, emotions and reactions.
But what about those “hard to pinpoint” feelings of sadness, depression, heaviness and feeling stuck? The ones that come from out of the blue, when we least expect them? The ones that don’t seem to be created from our circumstances? Where do those come from and what can we do about them?
Yesterday, I woke up feeling depressed and apathetic. It came as a shock, especially after a very productive and inspirational day before. It hit me out of nowhere – or so I thought. It didn’t feel good and would definitely interfere with my coaching and productivity, so I decided to do something about it.
This is what I did:
I picked up a business book and a spiritual book. I read for 20 minutes.
I meditated and prayed for 10 minutes. When I get really stuck, I ask for Spirit’s help in realigning me. In meditation, I reaffirm my alignment to Source and my life path of service.
I decided I needed to move my body and connect with nature.
I went out for a 15 minute walk in the rain.
In that time, I focused on what was around me. I repeated some power affirmations. I stayed awake.
Within minutes, my inner guidance came through loud and clear, which interrupted the old patterns and thoughts. I came home and sat down to write and create my day – with strength and clarity.
Bottom line is, we all hold deeply limiting, outdated, untrue beliefs and patterns about ourselves and our world. I’ve worked a lot with “clearing them,” and no matter how much you clear, there always seem to be more. And there are zillions of thoughts that swirl around in our consciousness – many ours and others, not our own. We also live in a world where we are projecting our insecurities, expectations and attachments onto others; they also absorb ours.
We all have wounds from our childhood and maybe even farther back than that. But what good does it do to put our focus there? We are HERE, NOW and that’s where our focus should be. We are not who we were. Instead of taking a step back in time and destroying our peace, I’ve found it’s easier and more productive to notice those beliefs and wounds if they come up, forgive those people and situations that helped to create them, forgive yourself, cry if you must and move on. You don’t even have to know what or where the feelings are coming from. You just need the know-how to change what you’re feeling, around.
Again, we have a choice. We have ALL of the power.
The worst thing you can do is nothing. The best thing you can do is:
You are in control of YOU and the decisions you make actually set your life in motion. If you want to test this, make the commitment and the Universe will oblige in giving you every opportunity possible. Master your energy, connection to Source, emotions, your mind, your thoughts and your outcomes. It IS possible.
These are “power moves.” These create a disconnect from the old ways of thinking, feeling, doing and being. When you do these and then, act - move your body, change your surroundings, creatively express, change your energy (walk backward or sideways), you interrupt the old patterns.
This throws off your ego/mind/train of thoughts/feelings/emotions and propels you into feeling good, being productive, being clear so you can hear your inner voice and more. Then, you can go about your day being a vessel of peace, love, inspiration and purpose.
What will you choose today?