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You get what you expect

I was talking to a colleague yesterday about how to create in our businesses. During our talk, she said something that really struck me. “You get what you expect.”

A lightbulb went off in my head. I already knew that but this time, something clicked.

She went on to say, “If you only expect a handful of clients, that’s what you’ll get.” But if you expect more, that’s what you’ll get.”

Of course! I teach Mindset Miracles and help correct self-talk all of the time. How you think and speak creates what you get, every time. But this was a new spin. Usually, this word feels heavy, because most people don’t get what they want or expect. It involves attachment.

Expectation – a strong belief that something will happen in the future.

I always like to stay aligned in my life and business, so I decided to delve in deeper to find out what this meant for me, in this very moment. Is it ok to live from a space of expectation? Because of my spiritual path, I went one step further. Is it ok to expect things from God? This brought up memories of the movie The Secret, where I never quite forgot the image of the giant genie, rubbing the lamp to produce 3 wishes. It always bothered me; it didn’t feel right. Demanding something from a Universal genie and upon our command, expecting it to deliver.

So here I was, up against some beliefs. I started thinking and meditating on it.

Now, I know as a relationship coach, expectations and attachments are a bad thing. In love, an expectation is a should. You should’ve known I wanted you home by 6. You should’ve known I was upset about what you said. You should’ve known the bathroom needed cleaning. (Therefore, we expect someone to know or do something or take a certain action, according to our beliefs, the way we think, our perceptions.) But most people in relationships aren’t mind-readers. They most certainly can’t know all of the distorted patterns we carry and display when we engage in a relationship. Still, when they don’t meet our expectations, all hell can break loose. So, in this case, expectation isn’t a good thing. It’s one big ego trip.

Then, I started thinking about the word from a spiritual perspective.

I’m not a born-again Christian but I am devoted to my spiritual journey. So just for fun, I wanted to see what the bible said about God and expectation.

Psalm 62:5 “My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him.”

Proverbs 24:14 “So (shall) the knowledge of wisdom (be) unto thy soul; when thou hast found it, then there shall be a reward, and thy expectation shall not be cut off.

Here, it's clear that expectation (in Spirit) is a good thing.

I run my business consciously; therefore my business is from Spirit. My alignment is with Spirit. My coaching, my programs, everything I say and do comes from the Divine flow. I, as a being of light and love, a vessel and conduit of Spirit, am in Spirit. And I know a few things for sure:

  1. I am a brilliant strand of the Divine, Universal field of love and light, infinite wisdom, intelligence, joy and prosperity.

  2. The Divine, Universal field is everywhere and in everything. There is nothing separate from it.

  3. That being so, I AM all of that. I have access to all of that. It is my Divine birthright to experience, have and be all of that.

So, I can surely expect that Spirit has already given me what I desire. I can expect without hesitation that all that comes to me does so in perfect timing. And because of that, I can expect that all that comes through me will touch and transform those that resonate with me. I can have these expectations without any attachment to them.

If you think and speak negatively, not believing you deserve good things, you’ll get exactly that. But if it’s true that we’re all a piece of the loving Universal field, then we DO deserve good. We deserve abundance, prosperity and joy. We deserve good health. Imagine if there was one little fish in the ocean, who one day started frantically swimming about, looking for the ocean. Now that would be insane! It’s already in it and a part of it. (But, that’s a story for another blog. ;)

The point is, we often do the same thing. We forget we already ARE spirit in human form. There’s nothing we have to do. The insanity comes when we believe we’re separate. If that’s our belief, we lose all of our power; we expect and create less-than-lovely outcomes. If we believe we already ARE that, align with it and step into it, we become it. That’s when our expectations/manifestations become a beautiful reality. If we expect things from a space of ego (out of selfishness, lack, wanting power over another, or from distorted, limiting belief patterns), we may not get what we want. Or we might – and that usually comes with a big lesson. So why not step into Truth and change it around?

No matter where you stand today, in business or in life, remember this. You always get what you expect. Every time. Begin the journey of inner reflection and see what comes up for you. See what your beliefs are; your thoughts and your words. See if you’re aligned with your Source and walking your path. If you are, you can expect to receive. Not always in your timing. Not always in the way you intend. But, you’ll receive all that is yours. You can expect all that is good, right and purposeful to come to you; to move you forward, in the highest and best way.

And don’t forget to expect the unexpected (with a positive spin). That’s the space where miracles and synchronicities happen.

I know you'll do this and I expect you to have fun. ;)

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