Time to take a look
We’ve been experiencing more and more profound changes from astrological events, most especially over the last 2 years. But this year, things have stepped up in intensity and length. We’re into an astrological event right now that is really making us all sweat. An eclipse pattern that’s turning up the heat and promises to last on and off into next year. Things are so ramped up that even the “astrological non-believers” are taking notice. Read Meg Benedicte’s latest blogpost about what’s happening here.
This is a time of miracles AND challenge. It’s a time of refinement. Remember, a diamond only forms under intense pressure and millions of years. And even though the concept of time is man-made, you get what I’m saying. You’re a brilliant and necessary diamond-in-the-rough. It’s now time for all of us to take a long look at what no longer serves us, what needs to be accepted, released and changed.
If you’ve been having fights with your significant other, kids, people at work or with people in general, take heart. If you’ve been eating more, sleeping more, feeling lethargic, overwhelmed, sad, take heart. If you’ve been seeing aligned numbers and are experiencing miraculous signs and events, take heart!!
All of this is a time for reflection, retrospection, introspection, understanding, patience and compassion – for yourself and for others. You know the saying that tells us the things we need to learn will keep showing up over and over until we see them? It’s total truth. Only within that, I want you to now go deeper.
Expect the unexpected – on both ends of the spectrum. No stone is being left unturned.
Expect things that are out of the ordinary to show up. New and uncomfortable patterns between you and your partner. Deep, unusual and unexplainable feelings within yourself. And on the flip-side, watch for signs and miracles that specifically materialize to show your alignment with your intentions.
New openings are being created and amazing new things are manifesting at warp speed. As well, the old way of doing and being is being stripped naked and exposed. So, what can we do about it? What do we do when we feel like our old ways of dealing with our problems aren’t working anymore?
Instead of going to our head space and allowing our old fears and patterns to emerge (which will keep us in deep and painful struggle), we need to visualize walking from our heads down into our hearts. We need to consciously make a choice to walk away from the old us and walk into our heart-spaces, where all direct communication with our Higher Selves and the Divine, exists. That’s where you’ll find peace and answers.
Next, we must ask questions like, “What is this experience showing me?” “What do I need to learn from this?” “What’s my next step?” Connect with your heart (close your eyes, visualize your mind walking down into your heart and breathe it in), trust and watch the answer come forward. It can happen instantaneously or it can time. Keep asking. It’s a practice.
Step away from the blame game. We are ALL projecting onto each other. Every. Single. One of us. We are ALL mirrors of each other. Our circumstances…our bodies…..our friends and families……our emotions. All bringing us gifts of showing us exactly where we stand and what we believe.
FEELINGS. Don’t push them away. We have feelings and emotions for a reason. They are indicators and part of our guidance system. If you’re not allowing yourself to feel or pushing away from resistance, you’ll have a difficult time until you change that old story that says feelings and emotions are bad. Because they aren’t. Unless you feel and notice, there’s no real way you can deeply know yourself at an authentic level. Unless you feel and release, the energy of those emotions stay stuck in your physical body.
And as far as the miraculous happenings; don’t judge them or create a story around them. If what is happening seems too good to be true, trust that the Universe is in control. If it’s meant to go forward, it will. If not, then realize that you’ve been given a gift, a sign that’s telling you to keep moving forward. It’s showing you you’re on track. Have gratitude.
Take responsibility for your own journey. You can’t force others to grow and change. You can’t force timing. You can’t control circumstances. The only control you have is over YOU, your decisions, your emotions, your reactions and actions. If you’re with someone and you’re on two separate life paths, as one lifts, the other will either lift or fall away. It’s a Universal law. Keep walking your path.
Continue to practice more understanding, patience and compassion during this time, for yourself and others. This next year will hold more surprises as the old paradigm starts to dissolve, and in preparation for the emergence of a vibrationally higher and more aligned world. We’re going through a birthing process and birth can sometimes be a bit painful.
Above all else, remember that you signed up to be here in this time and space. And what a miraculous time it is, unlike any other in history. Embrace it with love, curiosity and wonder. Find the joy in the journey and enjoy every juicy moment.