Life begins at 50
So many of us think we’re washed up by the time we’re 50. The predominant belief is that no one will hire us if we're “old.” I’ve seen people stay in miserable, dead end jobs because they believe they can’t compete with the youth. I’ve watched them physically age because they’re so unhappy. They’re often mistreated, overworked and underpaid. Some companies and bosses LOVE to take advantage of this BS.
For the most-part, the mass consciousness of the planet mirrors and supports this belief. We’ve got AARP. Which I’ve refused for 6 years now, because I don’t see myself as “old.” However, I could use the coupons….
We’ve got senior discounts and senior meals. For people 55 or older. But you usually can’t reap those rewards until you’re at least 62. We’ve got bingo nights in the senior centers. We’ve got retirement homes and social security. We’ve got Medicare, and the list goes on and on.
I grew up with the belief that as you get older, you slow down or get sick. REALLY sick. Sometimes so sick that you might die or end up incapacitated. Or you’ll have to be on drugs, use Depends or a walker. Or end up in a “home.” God knows you gotta have Life Alert (Help, I’ve fallen down and can’t get up!)
Old age ailments: heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, cataracts and glaucoma, kidney stones, gallbladder problems, prolapse of the uterus, erectile dysfunction and a leaky bladder. Old age nuisances: hair loss, tooth loss, brittle bones, excess weight gain or loss, vitamin deficiencies, hearing loss, veins, wrinkles, sagging skin, moles and skin tags.
Sweet Jesus.
And don't forget the senior trips!! To Acapulco and Disney World. You can take a cruise and go on guided tours. You can retire in Florida or Arizona. Take your pick. The land of high humidity, “no-see-ums,” gators and snakes. Or that 120 degree “dry heat,” dust clouds, monsoon season and scorpions. Woohoo!
And don’t forget to take your Ensure. They say it’s “complete nutrition” for seniors. The top 4 ingredients: water, sugar, corn syrup and maltodextrin.
And you wonder why we’re scared shitless of old age?
Well, I’m not doin’ it. That’s right. I’m not getting old. Period.
The good news...
Did you know that some of most successful entrepreneurs started their businesses over 50? That's right. Some of the most accomplished people started their studies, paintings, college educations and more, WAY over 50 years of age. Yep. I’m liking this.
Colonel Sanders became famous over 50.
Laura Ingalls Wilder wrote her first novel at 65.
Grandma Moses painted her first masterpiece at 76 and continued for 25 more years.
Julia Child made her first appearance on TV at 50.
Jeanne Dowell started The Green Buddha Clothing Company at age 80.
Louise Hay started Hay House after age 60.
Lisa Winston (that’s me) left a 38 year music career to pursue her dream of building a coaching business and writing at the tender age of 53 (I’m now 56).
Her partner (Robert), left a 40 year career in retail to pursue his love of singing and acting in his late 50’s; he’s now 65 and still going strong. He also meditates and does yoga.
His mother (Toni), is 87. She’s a mentor, painter, singer, entrepreneur and more. She still lives in her own home and travels too. Wow.
My mom is 85 and still lives in her own home. She’s enjoying life in her own, quiet way. When you talk to her on the phone, she still sounds like a kid. Awesome sauce.
And check out this chickie:
Master Tao Porchon-Lynch. She's a yogi, ballroom dancer and former actress. Did I mention that she's 95?
It is old age rather than death that is to be contrasted with life. Old age is a parody of life, whereas death transforms life into a destiny. In a way, death preserves life by giving it the absolute dimension--"As unto himself eternity changes him at last". Death does away with time.
There is only one solution if old age is not to be an absurd parody of our former life, and that is to go on pursuing ends that give our existence meaning - Devotion to individuals, to groups or to causes, social, political, intellectual or creative work - One's life has value so long as one attributes value to the life of others, by means of love, friendship, indignation, compassion. - Simone De Beauvoir, "The Coming of Age"
Other perks that come with maturity:
Wisdom. You’re more comfortable with who you are and the way you look. You don’t give a crap about the latest styles or designer clothes. You’re not afraid to try things and flub them up. You value your time and take better care of yourself. The kids are gone and you now have time to do what YOU want to do. You can travel more. You can change jobs or pursue your dream job or career. You can make peace with those people who have wronged you. You can actually enjoy sex without the fear of pregnancy. You can have a drink without the need to get drunk. People, especially loved ones, become more treasured. It’s easier to speak your truth. You find relationships that are more satisfying. You’re usually more relaxed about your finances. You love and appreciate your grandkids because it’s not a full-time job. You enjoy the little things in life.
You can use those years to master living from a space of deep inner connection. You can make peace with death. You can “die to self” while still in the physical body. You can step out of the illusion and into your own heaven. You can create and experience greater love, health, joy and prosperity. You can be a heart-centered lover and giver.
The only thing that sucks about getting older is that you lose people you love. And that just bites. But don’t let that stop you from having fun and living fully, cause you're only getting better....
Instead of complaining that there's not enough time, you're too old, too stiff or too senile to be active, get a hobby, or have fun - get off your butt and GET GOING!! You still have a lot of living to do. No regrets, please!
Age is just a number and an attitude. Really. If you’re 50, you’re still a baby. C’mon, let’s show em’ what we’re made of.
Time for this “old fart” to sign off. Hehe. Later, gator.