Listen to your heart
We're living in mind-blowing times, truly. If you haven't felt the intensity in the air or seen it in your own life, you've probably been living under a rock. The energies of this year hold incredible opportunities for growth, healing, insights and expansion, if we understand and work with them.
Today is day 6 after a bad cold and flu. And this comes on the heels of at least 5 other back to back episodes of illness, physical distress or outbreak of various sorts over a period of several weeks. Seems like every day, I’ve getting hit with another malady.
I came onto the planet to be tested by fire. I was born with massive fear. Fear of literally everything, including breathing. My mom recently reminded me that all I did was scream and cry from the minute I was born. Growing up brought one anxiety and issue after another. And it got worse as I got older. With every new feeling or symptom I had from birth until a few years ago, my fear of death grew and became a big part of everyday life. Life was a tough road.
As I committed to a deeper spiritual practice, I was tested even more. The two biggest challenges that created massive shifts came when I lost my home to wildfire in 2007 and was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 months later. The refining continued as I committed to fully stepping into my life mission. The tests kept coming and it felt hard.
But as I pushed through them, my perception began to change. My ability to commit to my growth deepened. I started realizing that it wasn’t punishment and I wasn’t going to die. These were hard, karmic lessons I came here to learn. Each one I tuned into and rose above lead me to profound nuggets of wisdom and strength.
With these tests came greater understanding and a deeper love and compassion for myself and others. I developed an even greater inner fire. I learned what I was made of and started integrating the energy processes I teach, into my everyday life. I was given huge obstacles so I could use the tools and see the results. This gave me some sense of power back.
With each test, the fear lessened and my ability to hear what my heart was saying, deepened.
And since life is constantly evolving, I continue today, with an even greater curiosity, wonder and awe of the creative and loving energy that created all things.
And what I’ve noticed recently is that with the unusual reemergence of the old symptoms, the fear is gone. If fear comes up, it warrants investigation. I now know that all of these symptoms are a retracing of the old, coming up one last time to heal. Our bodies are always changing and right now, we’re moving to a higher vibration. The changes are happening at the cellular level. You don’t have to understand it. Even I don’t understand it, but I embrace it.
Last night I got a very clear message from my Qigong master to “come back” to the energy work I had practiced for years. It was the strangest thing, how I actually heard his voice and felt his presence. These are things that begin to happen more frequently as you become more aligned with who you really are.
Whether you believe it or not, it’s all happening. Open your eyes and see the truth, instead of running your old patterns of resistance, fear and denial. There’s big opportunity for healing here. Don’t miss it.
It’s happening in every area of your being, not only the physical. Just last night, I received a plethora of what I call downloads (massive amounts of information and guidance just flowing in from the Universal mind) and I woke up with very clear ideas for my personal life and business. Because I'm open to it and have practiced it, it flows through me. It’s an incredible way to live.
We are spiritual, energetic beings with a built-in guidance system. Instead of always trying to find answers about your body, your experiences and your problems from confusing, outside sources, start the process of knowing yourself, so you can find the deeper meaning meant just for you. That’s where all answers lie and all treasure is found.
Aligning with your core and practicing the art of listening to your inner guidance and heart is the most spectacular (and powerful) thing you’ll ever do. If you really want to get to joy and love, abundance and freedom, this must be a part of your daily life. Especially now.
Next time you have a symptom or a feeling about something or someone or an emotional reaction, STOP. Ask what it means for you. Ask why you’re having it and what you’re supposed to learn from it.
The next time you feel resistance or fear, ask what it’s trying to teach you. When you need answers and feel confused, be still. Ask for guidance. Ask to hear the answers or to be lead to them. You drive the most complex and priceless vehicle on the planet. Learn how to use the controls. Plug into the navigation system and cruise, baby, cruise.
Remember, you're painting a magnificent masterpiece. Paintings take time. Don't expect your answers to lead you right to your magical castle and your millions of dollars. Your guidance gives you your next best step. Your castle awaits you but has to be built on a solid foundation. One room evolves to completion and then the next. Be patient and consistent as each piece is revealed in perfect time.
The power that created you and is in you and always talking to you. When you trust, listen and follow that magnificent and perfect voice, miracles and magic happen. Always listen to your heart and and allow your life to unfold in ways you've only dreamed about.