Do you have what it takes?
If you're a conscious entrepreneur or someone being called to serve, there comes a time you have to make a choice.
The questions eventually come up - Do you have what it takes? Do you know who you are? Are you willing to put yourself out there and find out? (In other words, stand in the fire?)
I was tested by having to make this decision a few days ago. I was writing an email to my tribe and heard my inner voice say, “Are you here to sugar-coat everything just to make people feel better about themselves? Do you really want people to follow you so they always need you?"
Yuck. That just didn’t feel true for who I’m becoming and what I’m here to do.
And so I asked myself again, “Do you have what it takes?”
Then I sucked up my fear (which always happens when you’re about to uplevel your life) and sat down to write my email.
With a mixture of great trepidation, curiosity and excitement, I sent that email to my community. I actually called people out...told them to stop making excuses, to take responsibility and actually do something.
OUCH. I must've hit an exposed nerve.
I have to say that it just didn’t sit well with some people. I got attacked and accused of not being loving or kind. I was called a fake. A bunch of people unsubscribed. I even had someone call me, fearing for my life.
On the flip side, I had people schedule calls with me. They got the message.
BINGO. In that moment, I knew I was onto something big.
There’s this “thing” going on in the coaching world. The “I have the magic pill” thing or the “Aw, I’m so sorry, let me just stroke you so you feel better” thing. And as much as I'd like to fix people or love on them all day long, that's a flat, go nowhere, do nothing energy. That’s not authenticity and I’m an authenticity coach, for Pete’s sake. (Whoever Pete is…)
I've been in the energy of genius and greatness for several years now. Of transformational leaders and coaches, of incredibly successful people making a huge difference in the world. You become who you surround yourself with.
I choose to learn from these people because their love, greatness and vision is so huge, it propels me forward into mine. None of them are timid, hiding out or coddling people. They aren't domineering or judgemental. They aren't power-hungry.
They are authentically, unapologetically and powerfully in alignment with their life mission. They create transformation because they walk and talk truth, straight forward and sometimes uncomfortably in your face. No BS.
See, the game has changed. If you’re called to be a coach or of service in this day and age, you’ve got to know a few things.
If you’re here to create transformation, stroking and enabling people is NOT going to do that.
If you’re being called to serve in this time, space and energy, you’re being called to serious business.
If you don’t know who you are, you can’t serve authentically or powerfully. You ARE your business.
If you don’t take chances and step out of your comfort zone, then you’re not growing. If it's something you're not willing to do, you might be in the wrong business.
It’s a disservice to people if you’re taking their money just to coddle and empathize with them.
It’s a disservice to people if you’re showing up just to please people or to be liked.
You’re not serving yourself or anyone if you’re a fake, in hiding, blaming or shoving your fear.
Spirit doesn’t call weak people, so if you don’t have what it takes, do something else.
The people who are ready to work hard to make real change will resonate with you and come to you. They will FEEL your highly transformational energy and want THAT.
The ones who aren’t will be triggered and will attack and/or move away. (As we vibrate higher, those things that are aligned come in, those that aren’t, leave).
You’re not here to necessarily be liked. You’re here to make a difference.
It doesn’t matter what people think. YOU know who YOU are and whether or not you’re in integrity; honest, loving and kind. That’s all that matters. This is not a beauty contest. It gets ugly sometimes. Truth sheds a light on the dark places that many are afraid or not willing to see.
The truth is, I’ve survived a lot of shit. So I’m a war veteran and a warrior. Probably a hero as well. I’ve had a shit ton of heartache, abuse, pain, suffering, loss, illness, devastation and more. And guess what? I, too, took the weak, wimpy, whining victim road for at least 25 or 30 years - until I realized it just wasn't working.
When I decided that fear was no longer going to stop me, I made a new choice. The beauty of this process is, that we get to make new choices whenever we want to. If one thing isn’t working, then we can do something different.
When I realized that no one was going to save me, or do the work for me…..that I wasn’t going to win the lottery and my life was getting shorter while sitting around whining and waiting, I took a deep breath, gathered all of that God-power I had inside and said “to hell with it, I’m gonna do this, no matter what.”
Was it easy? (Chuckle, chuckle) Hell no.
Was it scary? Are you kidding?
Was it profound? (Teary and bleary-eyed). You better fucking believe it. And it still is to this day.
See, when you find that strength within you and realize you’re all you’ve ever needed, miracles happen. Synchronicities and magic. Opportunity and possibility. It’s like this giant chasm opens up saying “The world is your oyster, truly.” It’s like finding the magic key.
The magic is in the journey. It takes work, perseverance, commitment, tenacity, a sense of humor and a thick skin. And if you don’t have some of those traits, you’ll develop them, I promise.
It’s called finding that core fire. Your very essence. The Divine stuff you’re made of and from (stars, remember?).
When I realized there was little joy in my emails and conversations lately and that coaching was feeling more like drudgery than a “calling,” I took a look.
Lack of joy is being out of alignment with who you are.
And I can be loving all day long, it’s my true nature.
However, passion and fire, mixed in with a little rebellion is also who I am. I had lost my fire. And I can’t help YOU when I’m not connected to my God-given power, energy and truth.
So, today, in moving forward, ask yourself…
Do I have what it takes?
If the answer is yes, JUMP IN and hold on. It may have you on your knees some days, but other days, you’ll experience bliss. You’ll start feeling love and heart connection with yourself and others that you’ve never known. You’ll start experiencing the joy of Spirit coming through you. People will come and go. Your life will rearrange itself and you'll know you're always Divinely supported and guided.
And for the first time, you’ll feel strangely different.
You’ll be home. Home to yourself. Home with God. Home to your life purpose and powerful in your ability to be a beacon to help others find their way.
And that’s what you came here for. So, what are you waiting for?