The Beauty of Authenticity

Authenticity: the quality of being authentic, genuine. OK, that's clear enough. We know how important that is if we want to buy a genuine Gucci purse. But what does it mean when we hear someone say that we should live our lives from a space of authenticity? From our authentic selves?
What in the world does it mean to BE authentic?
We know for sure that each of us is unique. No two people look the same. We all like different things and have different opinions. We have different genes, family histories and stories. We all have different talents. We have different values and virtues. That's a start.
Truthfully, every being on the planet is brilliant, spectacular and blindingly awesome. Just case you didn't know it. But do we see ourselves that way? Do we love everything about ourselves including our flaws and quirks? Can we show our unique selves to the world without fear of judgement or a need for validation? And do we love and accept others completely?
Do we have any idea what our life purpose is and are we living it? Do we surrender to what the Universe has for us, trusting that whether perceived as "good" or "bad," all of these things are leading to our evolution and to who we really are?
Do we have an outer glow that comes from an inner peace and joy so solid that very little can disturb it? Do we have passion, a driving force in our lives that gives us purpose?
When we are able to connect with our core essence (what I call our core fire) we are able to see our absolute magnificence, perfection and potential. We stop living for the acceptance or approval of others. We come out of hiding to live our own truth. We are no longer victims, but become powerful creators. We find our life purpose and message, our 'voice,' and we share it with the world. We love ourselves completely and love and accept all others for who they are. We feel immense joy. We begin to attract those things and people to us that mirror that. We become alive and start to live fully.
For the first time, our life force begins pulsing through our veins. We unabashedly and unapologetically step into life. We are unshakable. We can conquer anything. We live from a space of integrity. We step into a new world of joy and wonder, knowing that life is bringing us all we need, exactly when we need it. We become a driving force in the physical and spiritual world. We can't wait to wake up and see what life has in store for us every day. Isn't it time you became beautifully, perfectly, unapologetically, powerfully YOU??
"You didn't journey to this planet to be powerless, miserable and ineffective. You came here to change the world, to love, to soar. Now is your time." - Lisa Winston
Welcome to your journey of self discovery, solid answers and forward momentum. The ability to step into your truth and actually begin to KNOW and LOVE who you are, what you want and why you are here. Finally moving toward being that bright, beautiful light the world needs and not being afraid to be seen. And living the life you've always wanted to live. I believe that living from a space of who you REALLY are is the most powerful thing you can do.
I'm living proof of that. Coaching-Singing-Illustrating- Loving-Learning-Living. Having the absolute time of my life AND making a difference in the world. It didn't happen overnight, but I kept searching until I found my way. And I'm still learning, growing, evolving. I've had as many challenges as you, maybe more. If I can to do it, so can you. I'm here to help you uncover and discover the most authentic version of YOU that you've been searching for, so that you, too, can start LIVING. And making a difference in the world.
If you're way past settling for "less than" in your life and have only dreamed about having a really fun, loving relationship, a career you're passionate about, superb health and more joy, then it's time we talk. Jump on a call with me. I can help you.
It's time for you to see how beautiful you really are. Inside and out. And you are. Seriously.
Sending love. :)