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Transformation is easy

I heard someone give a talk last night about overcoming addictions and attachments and about our connection to who we really are at the core. The message was inspirational and right on.

But there was one line spoken that really got my attention.

Transformation is hard.

Most of us believe that to be true. God knows our lives have shown the struggles, so it must be true, right?

Yes and no.

We, as the infinite and eternal stream of Universal consciousness are all powerful, all knowing, pure joy, bliss, love and well-being. That’s who we are at our core level. We are souls, spiritual beings on this planet having a human experience, and not the other way around. So, everything we desire to do or focus our thoughts and attention on should be easy.

But there’s a glitch. We came here to forget who we really are, wake up and then start the process of remembering.

Human-ness certainly has its good points. We have all of our senses, so we can taste, hear, smell, see and feel everything around us. We have emotions in order to experience feelings. We have a brain that gives us intellect and an ego that tries its best to keep us feeling safe and secure.

We have a life. We’re somebody’s child, mother or father, daughter or son, aunt or uncle, cousin. We have a name, a birthdate, a family. We have our family history. We have our jobs, careers, skills, talents. We have likes and dislikes, opinions, beliefs. We have needs and wants and a host of other things.

All aspects of who we are in this time and space should be embraced, enjoyed and experienced. Not pushed away.

As for our struggles, here are a few thoughts.

Ram Dass in “Journey of Awakening” says we each have a story. History.

“To see your life as His-story or Her-story is to break the attachment to the melodrama of your story line. But be careful. This doesn’t mean to push it away, to reject or deny it or consider it trivial. It merely means to surround the events of your life with quiet, spacious awareness.”

He goes on to say that as you become more enlightened, you still have your individuality, including all of your idiosyncrasies. The difference in the being who is awake and aware and living in a physical body is that they no longer identify with the body, personality and story. We no longer identify the body and our physical story as our absolute reality.

“You carry heaven and hell with you.” – Sri Ramana Maharshi

We believe we came here to love, learn, grow and experience. But what if we came here just to love and experience? If we’re already one with all that is and in that, we’re perfection, do we really need to grow? If we’re all knowing beings, connected to our infinite Source, do we really need to learn? Or is that just another story?

Most of you remember the health challenges I went through over a period of many months where I believed things were coming up for my healing and growth.

My biggest aha moment came when I thought I was going to die. I was up all night, struggling with God (my words). I’m sure I remembered this phrase from the bible, when Jacob was wrestling with God. And boy, was it hard.

I prayed like never before. I used tools for clearing and release. I worked my ass off and with great fervor. And after a few hours, God “came” to me (or so I thought). I had the experience of being completely immersed as the Universal stream of consciousness, looking down on the picture of “my life,” a flat movie that was taking place as my Her-story. I realized at that moment that none of it was real and I laughed at the hilarity of it.

And I healed. My physical symptoms were 75% better by morning. All of them. I felt relieved and renewed. I believed in that moment that a miracle had occurred.

But in “reality,” what if God didn’t come to me? What if I didn’t really need that experience to heal or grow?

What if all I needed was a greater knowing and belief that I’m always and in all ways, already a part of and immersed in the Universal field of Spirit, which is all there is?

What if my knowing included the truth that I’m already healed and that as a soul, miracles are a part of my everyday experience? If I’m a piece of the infinite Divine field of love and light (which I am), then I have always been and always will be perfect, complete and whole.

What if my experience was a way to shed light on my old ways of thinking and my outdated belief system? What if all of my suffering and my entire story was just a way of bringing me back to the connection I already have with and in Source?

This is where our beliefs come in. If we can focus on and remember the truth of who we are in every moment, then we can allow thoughts, emotions and the pieces of our stories to come and go, without judgement, without upset, without drama. We can just BE and know that we came here to have, accept, allow and rise above our experiences.

You might say easier said than done. But, each of us in control of our own reality, our life experience.

So today, let’s start changing our thoughts around and affirm that transformation is easy.

When someone transitions or passes from this physical experience, they have transformed. For those who don’t resist it, it’s easy.

When someone has a happening that changes them and brings them to a deeper understanding of this life experience, they have transformed. Without resistance, it can be easy.

We can change and rise above our circumstances in the blink of an eye. We can have greater understanding, awareness, love and peace. And as we believe and put this into practice, our external circumstances change.

It can be easy if we let it. Let go of your old conditioning that says life is hard. Change is difficult. Transformation takes years.

The fear that creates resistance isn’t real. Neale Donald Walsch once said that fear is “False Evidence Appearing Real.” If we can change our fear of the unknown around, especially in regards to death, and create a new belief system that allows us to anticipate and be excited about change, we would create the most beautiful moments. When we transition, we would step into a new, spectacular and magical adventure, better than anything we could ever have imagined.

The Universe loves us so much more than we know or acknowledge.

If we knew it, we would no longer believe that bad things could happen to us. We’d no longer believe in the word punishment. We would no longer fear life or death. We would know with an unshakable certainty that God and life is for us.

Remember, we create from inner to outer.

Today, remember that you’re a miracle. Remember that you are God in human form. Remember that you have all of the power. You are love. You are a deliberate creator. The world is your oyster. And remember that there’s no need to struggle to transform. Just step into it.

Just blink your eyes and you are there. :)

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